I joined the Quality team just over two years ago and can honestly say I have enjoyed every day ever since. The role I do supports and guides services to continue to achieve good standards in their home, and for the people who live with us. In brief, the role of a Quality Support Partner (QSP) is to ensure that each service delivers a high standard of care and I offer that continuous support and guidance to help them achieve this.
A typical day would see me in and out various MMCG care homes. On arriving at a home, I talk to the Home Manager and ask where they feel support is needed. I check the relevant systems, and information related to it and create an action plan. I talk to colleagues in the home and offer my thoughts and ideas, such an example being, I am currently delivering workshops on how to use systems, complete forms and how to write a person-centred care plan. It is all about working together as a team to achieve the best outcomes for all!