Yeehaw at Appletree Court.

In the words of Lainey Wilson, Country's Cool Again. 

Appletree Court embraced the spirit of country living by starting their week off with a country twang in the form of a lively line-dancing session. Residents stepped to the beat of timeless tunes by icons like Dolly Parton and Hank Williams, as the country music revival continues strong in 2025. This fun-filled activity wasn’t just about dancing, it promoted group bonding, and physical exercise, there were smiles all around. Line dancing's simple steps and lively rhythms made it accessible for everyone, proving that country charm knows no age limit. As Lainey Wilson famously says, "Country's Cool Again," and this growing trend is not just reshaping the music world but also inspiring creative ways to connect and stay active. Appletree Court’s residents are living proof that classic melodies and a shared dancefloor can foster togetherness. The twang of guitars and boots on the ground will be returning very soon.