A Week at Water Royd

Last week our lovely residents enjoyed a bingo afternoon. We played for prizes/ for a line and then the full house, our residents were really in their element concentrating on the numbers making sure they didn’t miss one.

They then had a film afternoon and chose within the group what film they would like to watch, drinks and snack were served during the film.

Our residents also celebrated international flowers day by getting creative in our arts and crafts afternoon where we arranged flowers on paper and created a flower display, while listening to music and enjoying a nice cup of tea. Our residents have enjoyed singing on karaoke and getting their groove on.

We have had a discussion about activities and we have come up with a plan for this week, unfortunately we are still closed for visiting, but some of our residents have enjoyed video chats and phone calls with their loved ones.

Residents have enjoyed nail therapy / singing along with Alexa, some residents have enjoyed one to one activities, having a good old chat reminisce about the old days.