Sparking reminiscence for residents at White Rose Lodge
White Rose Lodge was delighted to welcome Jo from the Co-op Funeral Care Company. Jo brought with her a large memory box filled with items of interest for the residents of historical relevance in the hopes of sparking reminiscence. Jo invited residents to delve into the box to see if anything caught their eye. Many memories were shared, smiles and positive emotional reactions were experienced in this activity.
It invited residents to reawaken memories perhaps forgotten and in need of resurfacing. We had tales of adventures in a Morris minor, setting out for an afternoon ride in the countryside and stopping off for a picnic in the summer. A photograph of evacuee children reminded a resident of them coming to their family home. One of the children did not know what lettuce was, saying isn’t it rabbit food! Ration books, coupon books and old advertisements invited many conversations to take place reminding residents of old hoovers and washing machines they use to have. Relaying how lucky we are today with enhancements in technology.
Overall observing the room it was evident of the benefits from the activity. Conversations were sparked between residents, smiles were shared, emotional responses were evoked and the residents overall enthusiasm to engage within the activity. We are hoping to plan another visit with Jo from the Co-op later in the year for the benefit of the residents.