Jo Stokes becomes Ambassador for Health Education England

This month we have also been celebrating the success of Jo Stokes, a member of our Support Team and a Trainee Nursing Associate, who has been selected to become an Ambassador for Health Education England! Helping to support the future and current generations with their health and social care career choices, Jo will be working alongside other trainee and qualified nursing associates (TNAs/NAs) to support HEE, and hopefully “bridge the gap” between registered nurses and other support workers in the healthcare profession.

Providing her with a wealth of opportunities, this new role includes responsibilities like representing the interests of Nursing Associates at events and promoting the role in local schools to engage the local generations, which we know she will do amazingly.

We are truly delighted for Jo, and her success is a real testament to her achievements and commitment to furthering her career in nursing through the TNA programme. Well done Jo!