Happy and Fun Filled Days at Gateford Hill
We have had lots of happy days at Gateford Hill. Residents have been in the grounds to see the horses that are temporarily in our field.
Birthdays have been special recently: Mrs H was 90 years old! We set the lounge up with drinks, nibbles, cards received by Mrs H and her presents. We all sang ‘Happy Birthday’ and laughed and cried, as Mrs H remembered loved ones. After lunch, Mrs H’s family came to see her as a surprise, with appropriate social distancing applied in the garden. Mrs H voiced what a lovely day she’d had.
We have also enjoyed days baking and eating cakes, scones, bread and lots of other goodies.
Gateford Park School have left us lots of pictures of rainbows to put around the home, which the residents enjoyed looking at and reading the letters. We have displayed them on the windows and doors.