Celebrating Different Cultures

This month we have been celebrating different cultures. We have gathered facts, quizzes, games and art ideas for the residents. This is so they can discuss, reminisce and think about different cultures. Whilst remembering those recognised national days that are celebrated around the world.  Earlier this month we celebrated Australia Day. We looked at some interesting facts about the country and watched some amazing footage of the beautiful views and scenery. We had a multiple-choice quiz and finally did some aboriginal art that Australians are known for. The style of painting is also known as dot painting. Residents were given paints and sticks to create their own piece. We have also celebrated the Chinese New Year. We decorated the lounge by putting Chinese banners up on the wall, alongside a dragon pinata full of chocolates that all the residents had a go at hitting. Everyone was split into two teams to play the fortune cookie quiz; they picked a paper fortune out of the bag which had a Chinese related question inside. The winning team won a real fortune cookie, and everyone had a chocolate dragon for taking part. We have found that group activities in the lounge have been popular. Residents are socialising and there is some healthy competition which is keeping everyone going and boosting morale